Essay competition conducted

The Gender Champion Cell in collaboration with the District Administration organised an essay competition on the topic ” If you were to celebrate Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao for a day, what activities will you organise in Mon town and why?” under the theme ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’. The competition was conducted on 23rd January 2020 at the college premises. All together 25 participants from all the three semesters took part in the competition. The winners were awarded with a cash prize of Rs 5000, Rs 4000 and Rs 3000 respectively to the best three winners sponsored by the District Administration. N.Mongmeth Nekong from the 6th semester secured the first position, followed by Langto P Konyak from the 4th semester who secured the second position and the third place was secured by Chandan Kumar Thakur from the 6th semester.

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