IQAC seminar meeting minutes dated 07-06-19

 Members Present: Principal, Coordinator, Esther P Konyak, Temlei Shonpohru, Manwang Konyak, Ralu Lohe, Grace Seb, Prescilla Ezong, Abel Swu, Ayamo Kikon, SB Moses, M Sudha, Mongyung Phom, H David Konyak, CP Koshy, Tiakumla Jamir, Chothayato Rote.

IQAC Coordinator welcomed the house and began with a detailed study of Criterion 3 of the SSR:

  1. Criterion III- Research, Innovations and Extension

3.1.1.Resource Mobilisation for Research = to consult Principal, Dr.Nekha and former colleagues Dr. Christina, Dr. Hukato and Dr. Nshoga on their research projects works/ whether it falls under the last 5 years window.If so, project grant details/ e-copies of grant and award details to be collected at the earliest.

3.1.2. = N/A to UG colleges = N/A to UG colleges = N/A to UG colleges

3.1.3 = to consult Principal, Dr. Nekha and former colleagues Dr. Christina, Dr. Hukato and Dr. Nshoga on their research projects works/ whether it falls under the last 5 years window. If so, project grant details/ e-copies of grant and award details to be collected at the earliest. = data available

3.2 Innovation Ecosystem

3.2.1.= IGNOU/ to create ecosystem for innovation including incubation centre and other initiatives for creation and transfer of knowledge

3.2.2. = Seminar/Research Committee of look into the feasibility of workshop/seminar on Intellectual Property Rights at the earliest.

3.3 Research Publication and Awards

3.3.1. = No Code of Ethics therefore Seminar/Research Committee to create a Code of Ethics/ formulate uniform guideline for articles etc. at the earliest.

3.3.2. = No, institution does not provide any incentives.

3.3.3.= N/A to UG colleges

3.3.4.= Data available but to consult with Principal, Dr. Nekha, and former colleagues Dr, Christina, Dr. Nshoga and Dr. Hukato.

3.3.5. Data available

3.4 Extension Service

3.4.1.= Data available on Extension Service but the impact of extension activities in sensitising students has not been documented. Respective committee that carried out activities to write report at the earliest (before summer break). NSS to take membership in the Red Cross at the earliest.

3.4.2. = No awards/ recognition

3.4.3. = Data available

3.4.4. NSS data available

3.5 Collaboration

3.5.1.. RRC students sent to Dimapur as exchange peer educators for Peer Educator Training. David Konyak to consult District Administration, SP and District Hospital on the possibility of student internship during the summer break at the earliest.

3.5.2. = No MoU

Criterion 4: Infrastructure and Learning Resources

4.1. Physical Facilities

4.1.1. = To include temporary girl’s hostel, IGNOU building, specifications of the new Academic Building and canteen.

4.1.2. = To include carom under Indoor Games

4.1.3. = 1 (One) classroom with LCD Projector and 1 (One) Seminar Room

4.1.4. = Principal to give detail information on budget allocation for such activities

4.2. Library as a Learning Resource

4.2.1.= No

4.2.3. = Library Committee to register the college to Shodhganga as an institution at the earliest. Library Committee to register college to N-List (repository for all types of e-journals). Library Committee to maintain details of membership/subscription to such portals

4.2.4. Principal/ Library Committee to provide details at the earliest.

4.2.5.= No

4.2.6. = Library staff to maintain library check in-check out register (students/faculty) with proper dates/name/class/time in/time out/signature etc. Library Committee to check this register in a timely manner. Sensitise students on library norms in class.

4.3. IT Infrastructure

4.3.1. = To be inserted once Jio team visits.

4.3.2.= To relocate computers from the computer room to the Reading Room of the Library. Principal to purchase wifi dongle for each system at the earliest.

4.3.3.= To be inserted once Jio team visits

4.3.4 = No

4.4. Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure

4.4.1. = Principal to provide necessary details/ audited statements.

4.4.2. = Refer to assessed colleges (new framework)

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