Online essay competition

The Department of Political Science would like to convey our gratitude to all the institutions for your participation in the online Essay Competition organised in commemoration of the Constitution Day 2020 under the topic-

“Freedom of Speech: Foundation of Democracy as well as basic Human Rights”

First of all, we would like to congratulate all the participants from all the institutions. In fact, it is their participation which has made our initiative successful.

The following students have been declared winners of the competition:-

  1. First Position – Mr. Langto P Konyak (WGC)
  2. Second Position – Miss. K. Lethai Konyak (SJHSS)
  3.  Third Position
    • (A) Miss. Leye S Konyak (SJHSS)
    • (B) Mr. Wangtin (DBHSS)

Reported by:

Miss. Shongna Konyak
Asst. Professor
Wangkhao Govt. College, Mon

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