Message From the Principal

Wangkhao Govt. College was established in the year 1983. Initially, the college was affiliated to the North Eastern Hill University (NEHU). Later on, in 1995 it was affiliated to Nagaland University. The college is also recognized under the University Grants Commission under Section 12(b) and 2(f).

The college has a motto “Lux in Tenebris” in Latin which means  “Light in Darkness” True enough it is the only institute of higher education in the whole district of Mon that continues to shine as a candle in the darkness.

Wangkhao is an Arts college offering English, Alternative English and Environmental Studies as Compulsory papers and Political Science, History, Economics, Education and Sociology as Elective papers. Honours course is offered in Politcal Science, History, English and Education.

The college is built on the land donated by Chui village, Mon district Nagaland. It stands atop a small hillock surrounded by serene hills creating a perfect a perfect atmosphere for academic endeavours. The campus has about 60 acres of land, dedicated teachers  and a strong staff required for turning the institution into a Centre of Excellence in the near future.

Welcome to the land of Anghs!

Dr. M Libanthung Ngullie

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